January 25, 2011

Works In Progress, Entry 6

Another week and more progress on the Retribution of Scyrah unit I was painting has been achieved.  Focusing more on making the bases stand out a bit:

Formula P3 Battlefield Brown as generals flats on majority of the base

January 21, 2011

Works In Progress, Entry 5

My first completed Grey Hunter
I was looking at this guy's previous WIP shot and I couldn't get over the mold line on his bolt pistol.  So I took my hobby knife and scraped off the mold line on the bolt pistol and repainted over it.

After a while that grey eyebrow line didn't sit well with me, too.  I decided to cheat and paint the dude's face with Braveheart-esque blue geometrics.  Now it's OK with me.

That shoulder pad got the Mr. Mark Softer treatment.  I guess the shine will go away after I seal it.

I'll probably go for shooting Pledge Wipe & Shine through the airbrush to get two or three coats.  Then decide how to matte it -- either some funky thing Pork will suggest, or Bosny Flat Varnish.

Time to move on with the rest of the pack.

January 17, 2011

Works In Progress, Entry 4

After much procrastination, and an equal amount of want to get a decent digicam shot, here's what I got so far for one of my Space Wolves Grey Hunters.

All in all, I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.  He's actually my second test model.  The first one might not actually go into the army but this one sure will.  I especially liked the Grey Hunter markings on the right shoulder pad and left knee pad.

What happens next:

  • That right knee pad needs a distinct pack marking -- which is pretty much a squad indication (i.e. squad one, squad two, etc.).
  • That gold needs more work.  I'll probably build up more color on it, then do some brown wash and hit with Citadel Mithril Silver for final highlights.
  • That left shoulder pad, I used the water slide transfers that came with the box.  I'm planning to use some Solvaset (spell check) on that, and then maybe freehand some highlights.
  • The eyebrows need some work, too.  I'll probably freehand in a darker shade.

[IRY Navarro]

January 16, 2011

Paint Recipe, Retribution of Scyrah

Following my standard with Space Wolves, I'll post what my paint scheme and recipe for the co-owned Retribution of Scyrah.

  1. Basecoat using spray paint, Bosny Primer Grey.
  2. Basic paint mix in airbrush -- 1/3 Tamiya Flat White XF-2 with 2/3 Lacquer Flo.  Recipe is credited to Paul Borja.  Lacquer Flo brand I used was Hudson, but the Shak Boyz recommended Boysen.
  3. Once that was dry, I liberally applied Les Bursley wash on the entire model.
  4. For basework, I'll follow what I did for my Space Wolves.  The bigger pebbles are done up using Formula P3 Ironhull Grey, built up to Formula P3 Menoth White Highlight.
  5. For the glowing runes, I used Formula P3 Arcane Blue built up to Formula P3 Morrow White.
Everything else is still on hold, but I'll pretty much follow the default look of the Retribution to a decent and acceptable degree.  I can follow what is detailed on the force book, but that will mean me buying more paint.

Paint Recipe, Space Wolves

I've been known to experiment painting methods as I read about them.  It should be all well and good but I tend to end up with a mishmash of semi-consistent paint schemes instead.  Seeing how numerous the model count for my 40K project will be, I decided to document everything down so I'll have something to reference to.

  1. Basecoat using spray paint, Bosny Flat Black.
  2. Basic paint mix in airbrush -- 1/3 Tamiya Dark Sea Grey XF-54 with 2/3 Lacquer Flo.  Recipe is credited to Paul Borja.  Lacquer Flo brand I used was Hudson, but the Shak Boyz recommended Boysen.
  3. Simple airbrush highlight -- Eyeball in lighter shade of grey by adding Tamiya Flat White XF-2 to the mixture.
  4. Once dry, liberally apply Les Bursley wash.  I used my own recipe to emulate Citadel Devlan Mud.
  5. For the yellow shoulder pads, I started with Formula P3 Battlefield Brown.  In successive basic layers, I painted over that with Formula P3 Bootstrap Leather, then Formula P3 Rucksack Tan, then Formula P3 Moldy Ochre (which took me 2-3 coats for an even dull yellow).  I decided against using a lighter Formula P3 Cygnar Yellow as final coat though.  It just didn't go well with my test model.
  6. For the red areas, I started with Formula P3 Skorne Red and highlighted with Formula P3 Khador Red Base.
  7. For the fur, I started with Formula P3 Greatcoat Grey.  I don't know how to go further with this one yet at the moment.
  8. For the flesh, I started with Formula P3 Khardic Flesh and continued to build it up with Formula P3 Midlund Flesh, then Formula P3 Ryn Flesh. To pull it all together, I brushed on some Formula P3 Flesh Wash.
  9. For the base, I started with Formula P3 Battlefield Brown.  With successive drybrushing, I built that up further with Formula P3 Bootstrap Leather, then Formula P3 Rucksack Tan, then Formula P3 Menoth White Base and lastly Formula P3 Menoth White Highlight.
  10. For the metal areas, I just started with a direct coat of Citadel Boltgun Metal.  I have a general idea how to proceed with that, but I'll document it here once I get it done.
That's it for the moment.  I am pleased with how it looks so far.  I'll post pics soon.

January 15, 2011

Works In Progress, Entry 3

In the quest to get a lot of shit done, with me being such a lazy ass and all, having an airbrush really REALLY helps.  I'm not too hot with getting the flats done up on the models.  I prefer the details like highlights and freehand.  With much of my office work done, I decided to put some more work on the infantry on my desk.

Space Wolves Grey Hunters spray bombed with Bosny Flat Black. Retribution of Scyrah Gorgon and Dawnguard Invictors, aling with four Khador Kayazy Assassins with sand and pebbles on their bases. Cameo of my stress ball and Jollibee gravy cups, and lots more dumb shit in the background.

Retribution Dawnguard Invictors with a couple of blasts from Tamiya Flat White. I'd also like to point out how convenient these Skechers shoe boxes are - they're sturdy enough so metal miniatures can be mounted on them (with Blue Tac) plus they have a notch cut out on the ends, for your thumbs.

January 14, 2011

Works In Progress, Entry 2

For this week, I decided to continue with lots of stuff - specifically lots of infantry stuff for Retribution of Scyrah and Space Wolves.

Tapework before basing Retribution Dawnguard Invictors and Khador Kayazy Assassins. I stretched out some masking tape on my cutting mat and used my Xacto knife to make triangle shapes from them for easier placement.

Dawnguard Invictor Unit Attachment, straight out of the blister pack. I used those pointed tweezers I got from a Tutuban trip for precision handling that comes with the hobby. That's an old toothbrush I use to brush off minute debris instead of blowing them away. And that's Loctite Super Glue-3, the only CA superglue brand good for me.

January 8, 2011

The Storeroom

My mom's old dresser - now taken over by Daemons, Space Wolves and all manner of insanity.

This is also part of the dresser. Needs cleaning, the lot of it.

January 3, 2011

Works In Progress, Entry 1

I will start a step-by-step on how I will put together one of my Space Wolves Grey Hunters.

With this one, I will start with the miniatures' bases.  I have a mishmash of 28mm bases in stock, some new from boxes, others old ones that need work (these I got from bulk deals from other players).

Above are eleven 28mm bases for my Grey Hunters (the extra one is for the Wolf Guard that will lead them)

Some of the bases needed some cleaning (sanding off the old flock, smoothing out the sprue cuts). I used an Xacto hobby knife and some large needle files for that.

Phoenix Heavy Myrmidon, Retribution of Scyrah

I got this model from Raymond Tesoro, which he modeled that way - holding the sword with two hands. This is the first miniature I used Tamiya paints and an airbrush on, combined with traditional paint brush method. It's not masterclass level, but it's done up with tabletop quality in mind.

I'll figure out if I can do a step-by-step procedure on how I got the model like this.

The Workspace

This is my chaotic part of the house.  I have my desktop right next to my Monobloc table with a plethora of stuff "that I need at the moment".  All of the other stuff are stored in a separate room.  People who have been to my place will notice it's been made different again.  And yeah, it's supposed to be more organized now (it was WAY messier before).

January 2, 2011


As unrelenting as their homeland of thick woodlands, towering mountains and endless winters, Khadorans are known for their steely resolve in the face of hardship.  These descendants of the ancient Khardic empire have never forgotten these days of glory, a time before the yoke of Orgoth dominion and the concessions of the Corvis Treaties.  It is that golden era that Empress Ayn Vanar and her people hold in their hearts and seek to reestablish across western Immoren.

The massive armies of Khador personify the ideals of its people, prizing strength and resilience over all else.  Equally inclined to bravery or stubborn tenacity, they are willing to outlast their enemies in a war of attrition if they cannot smash them asunder.  These forces are glorious to behold as they march, with crimson standards whipping above and titanic warjacks shaking the earth with each step.

With bold attacks, Khador has recently brought Llael and the Thornwood under the banner of the Motherland, but mastering these new lands is proving as difficult as conquering them.  The armies of Khador remain vigilant, determined to hold all they have gained and ready to strike at the heart of their enemies for glory, nation and empress.

Khador is my first WARMACHINE army.  It is also my first fully-painted force, despite having started on Warhammer first.  Among my other forces, Khador is what I've played with most, spend on most, and improved my painting on most.

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