February 12, 2011

WMH Game 03: Kommandant Irusk versus Borka Kegslayer

Khador steel advance over familiar territory!

It was a vacant gaming night at the Bunker earlier, and SJ Quema and myself literally had the whole line of tables to ourselves.

I used the same list I used last Wednesday.

Kommandant Irusk, Behemoth, Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich, Koldun Lord, War Dog, Iron Fang Pikemen with unit attachment, Winter Guard with unit attachment and Rocketeer, Widowmakers

SJ counter maneuvering his Trollbloods

Burrowers bring down Kovnik Grigorovich!

The Trollbloods advance!

Iron Flesh against Iron Flesh!

Burrowers sneak behind Khadoran lines!

Icy glaciers crack as Trollbloods and Khador forces take the field near an Orgoth ruins!

The Behemoth bearing down on Mulg!

Fennblades bring down the shields of the Iron Fangs!

Bloody melee ensues!

SJ moves his Trollbloods forward

SJ meets my Khadoran force head on!

The Axer threshes unceasingly, making a mockery of Khadoran shields!

Winterguard fall before the Trollblood onslaught!

A true battle of attrition!

Borka charges and subdues a Rocketeer

The Trollkin Hero cuts a bloody swath amidst the ranks of the Iron Fangs!

The Trollblood Axer makes quick work against the infantry of the Motherland!

Borka disengages from the Winterguard and retaliates with his explosives

The Great Bears charge in!

Endgame! The Great Bears deal the final blow on the stout Trollblood warlock!

The two remaining Burrowers fail to assassinate the Khadoran kommandant

Scenario: No Man's Land
Result: Kim's Kommandant Irusk victorious over SJ's Borka Kegslayer via casterkill

The real highlight of the game was when Mulg attempted to trample towards the Behemoth, risking one free strike from an Iron Fang Pikeman. I rolled a double six, causing a Critical Knock Down! Mulg was easy picking for the Behemoth's Armor Piercing attacks the following round!

All in all it was a very fun game! It's really something when it's just two buddies matching wits against each other and enjoying the outcome of the die rolls!

I'll be painting some Trollblood kill freehand on that model.  I formally name it Iron Fang Hakken (from Joaquin, SJ's name).

[IRY Navarro]


  1. Yeah~ Kovnik Grigorovich underperformed in this game. Not only was he under Irusk's Undying Loyalty (which he failed), he was also behind the Winter Guard line. Maybe it was better if he was leading the unit up front.


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