March 22, 2011

Butcher Love

I got to do a more in-depth demo for Maybelle Sy last Friday at Lito's Bunker featuring 15PC forces led by the Butcher of Khardov and the Old Witch of Khador.

Lots of rubble with a pair of Kodiaks. Teaching the importance of terrain.

Deployment - give it a couple more games and she'll get its importance

Going up against the Butcher: the Old Witch and her Scrapjack, the Behemoth and the Great Bears of Gallowswood

Making a cautious advance - Butcher and his two Kodiaks, and Fenris, his drinking buddy

Some Orgoth ruins between our forces; the green marker is the center of Old Witch's Murder of Crows

Closing in as fast as possible; lesson learned after losing Fenris to long range Bombards

Fighting the Khador way! The Great Bears charge at one of the Kodiaks!

The Behemoth's fire lanes

The Butcher preparing to charge in!

Weald Secrets Behemoth reduce one of the Kodiaks to wreckage

The Butcher and his remaining Kodiak deal with the Great Bears

The Butcher's Blood Frenzy!

The Old Witch conjuring her Field of Talons!

The Butcher walking up to the Behemoth and destroying it!

The lesson of the control area - premeasuring made legal

The epic confrontation! We all know how this will end.
Maybelle is still deciding on what faction to get.  But at least she can get to play with some in-your-face beatstick stuff.

[IRY Navarro]

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